Sports Science

Sports science

The GLL Sport Foundation is looking to constantly evolve and provide supported athletes with additional services to support their performance, this performance portal provides videos, documents, tips and information on key areas of performance to support athletes and family networks.

Sources of information are taken from verified organisations and experts within their field.  We however advise athletes and family networks to carry out further research and speak to specialists in specific areas to ensure its best suits their needs.

Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition is an important aspect of training for athletes. Adequate amount of nutrients ensure effective performance.

Strength and conditioning

Strength and Conditioning is the physical and psychological development of athletes for elite sport performance.

Strength and Conditioning is about more than lifting weights – it encompasses the entire development of the athlete and what is needed to improve physical performance. This includes plyometrics, speed and agility, endurance and core stability with strength training being just one piece of the jigsaw.

Sport psychology

Team GB double Olympic medallist and former GLL Sport Foundation ambassador Lutalo Muhammad, “The mental side of Taekwondo is possibly more important than the physical side. I believe at the elite level, there isn’t much of a technical or physical difference between the top athletes, I believe the winner on the day is mentally the sharpest.”


Richie Woodhall, GB Consultant Boxing Coach, “The extra sleep could be the difference between winning a gold medal or going out in the first round, it’s that important.”